Tiny MicroNIR 1700 EC spectrometer for research and education

MicroNIR 1700 EC

Ultra-compact NIR Spectrometer for R&D and Education

Small mobile NIR spectrometer microNIR 1700 EC held between index finger and thumb.

The MicroNIR™ 1700 EC is one of the smallest and most lightweight integrated NIR spectrometers on the market. Nevertheless it can compete with the performance of big benchtop systems.

As power supply and data transfer are cleverly managed by USB-C, it is the perfect system for R&D and education. Mounted on a notebook it is the mobile solution for on-site analytics like measurements in the field or lecture halls.

The included MicroNIR Pro software already provides everything to build the most important chemometric models like principal component analysis (PCA), material libraries (SMV), and quantitative testing (PLS). No expensive third-party software has to be purchased.

The spectrometer can operate in the three modes reflexion, transflexion, and transmission, which gives the operators maximum flexibility for their spectroscopic projects.


  • Unbelievably small and lightweight (4.7 cm x 6 cm; 116 g).
  • Mobile use due to USB-C-managed power supply and data transfer (e.g. with a toughbook).
  • Robust, linear variable filter technology without any moving parts.
  • Tungsten lamps with > 40.000 h lamp life.
  • Maintenance-free.
  • Fully featured NIR sprectrometer, works in reflexion, transmission und transflexion.
  • Suitable for most chemicals, as it covers the important spectral range of the first and the second overtone (908 nm – 1.650 nm).
  • Intuitive, easy-to-use MicroNIR Pro software including PCA, SMV, MBSD and PLS.
  • Temperature-based normalisation for reliable data at varying temperatures, e.g. in field usage.

Areas of application

  • Research and development.
  • Studies and academic lectures.
  • Field usage.
Technical details
Technology Destruction-free NIR spectroscopy
Dispersive element Linear Variable Filter
Operating modes Refexion, transmission, transflexion
Detector 128 Pixel InGaAs Photodioden Array
Weight 116 g
Size 47 mm x 47 mm x 60 mm
Illumination 2 vacuum tungsten lamps with > 40,000 h lamp life
Spectral range 908 nm – 1,676 nm (= 11,012 cm-1 – 5,966 cm-1)
Resolution Appr. 1.25 % (FWHM)
Dynamic range 1.000 : 1 max.
Integration time Minimum 10 µs, typical 10 ms
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 1 : 23,000
Working distance 0 – 15 mm
Gehäuse IP65
Connectivity USB-C
Power supply USB-C (< 500 mA bei 5 V)
Data formats Unsb, CSV und SPC
Operating temperature -20 °C until +40 °C (non-condensing)
Robustness ISTA 2 A package drop test
Software MicroNIR Pro software for chemometric modelling, measurements, user and device management
Included accessories  Vial holder
100 x 5 ml glass vials
99% spectralon reference standard
MicroNIR PRO Software
Transport case
C-clamp for stand mounting
USB-C cable
data medium with Software, manual and support documents
Optional accessories VIAVI Unscrambler X Lite
PC, notebook, toughbook or tablet with WIN 10 PRO and pre-installed software
Tripod stand
Transmission modules
Sample spinner for heterogeneous samples
Tablet holder
Calibration standards

Transmission module
For easy measuring of transparent analytes in standard measuring cuvettes.
>> more information

Sample Spinner
Sample spinner for easy analysis of heterogeneous samples in a Petri dish. Rotation of the Petri dish at two different speeds for meaningful analysis.
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Droplet Sampler
Accessory for measuring very small liquid volumes (up to 250 µl). Suitable for viscous liquids such as oils.
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Mini Probe
Attachment for measurements with increased illumination. Ideal for analysis of low reflective samples, e.g. minerals or asbestos.
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Special Side View Holder
Vial holder with temperature control function. Ideal for analyzing analytes with temperature-sensitive calibration.
>> more information

Reference Standards
Various photometric standards (wavelength, reflectance) for IOPQ testing.

Vial holder
Holder for easy measurement of samples in glass vials. Including transflector for transparent samples.

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