Spectrometer for research, development and education

Spectrometers for Research, Development & Education

Vibrational spectroscopy as the key to a deeper understanding of chemical processes

Near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy are successful methods for analyzing chemical processes. There are good reason for this: Light-based technologies are ideal for fast, simple analysis. Results are available almost in real-time. This is a major advantage over other analytical methods such as wet chemistry or chromatography, especially when it comes to reaction monitoring and purification. As non-destructive and often completely contact-free methods, light-based technologies guarantee measurement results without influencing the reaction system, as is unavoidable with a sample draw. NIR and Raman are established methods for formulation development in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in academic research. As a result, they are becoming increasingly important in the training of future specialists.

Full data access

Our spectrometers collect high-quality spectra and provide them as raw data (.txt, .csv, or .spc) for further processing. Depending on the problem, our customers then use the spectrometer's own software packages (e.g., for PCA and PLS modelling) or other applications such as Python or Matlab. We offer software development kits for our NIR spectrometers. These provide full access for complete integration and control. This is often a valuable addition to projects, especially in an academic environment.

Typical applications


  • Syntheses
  • Conversions
  • Distillations
  • Polymerizations
  • Polymorphism / crystal growth
  • ppm analyses
  • Measurements under ATEX


  • Formulation development
  • Drying and granulation processes
  • Blending processes (blend uniformity)
  • Coating
  • Tableting


  • Upstream: Cell culture and fermentation control
  • Downstream: Breakthrough and modifications
  • Cell and vesicle analysis


  • Polymer chemistry: crosslinking and curing
  • Food & agriculture: content, moisture, food fraud

Attractive offers for academic institutions

analyticon would like to promote the widespread use of our NIR and Raman systems at technical colleges, universities and research institutes to support the training of young scientists. We therefore offer particularly attractive conditions for academic institutions.

Clever solutions

PicoRaman M3

Raman spectrometer for fluorescent analytes


microNIR 1700 EC

Tiny NIR spectrometer for more flexibility


MicroNIR OnSite-W

Fast on-site NIR analysis in chemistry and recycling



Raman-Prozess-Spektrometer für Labor und Produktion


HyperFlux PRO Plus

Raman process control also under ATEX


microNIR PAT-U

Integrated NIR process spectrometer


microNIR PAT-W

Control NIR process analyses via WLAN
