
PAT spectrometer SuperFlux

Raman spectrometer for laboratory and process

SuperFlux Raman-Spectrometer

The SuperFlux provides non-destructive chemical analysis and measurement solutions. It can be easily used at laboratory and process scale and is ideal for academic and industrial laboratories, e.g. in the chemical-pharmaceutical environment. In academic and industrial training, the SuperFlux is a cost-effective introduction to Raman spectroscopy, one of the most important spectroscopic technologies of the future.

The Raman spectrometer is housed in a small, lightweight 19" case. Technically, it is based on the manufacturer's superior, patented High-Throughput Virtual Slit (HTVS™) technology.


  • Compact desktop size.
  • Integrated CPU – no external notebook required.
  • Purpose-built, lab-scale Raman analyzer.
  • Non-destructive analysis and monitoring.
  • Direct connectivity to Technobis Crystalline system.
  • OPC UA client for remote control.
  • Maintenance-free system with long-life 785 nm Raman laser.
  • Easy installation and operation.
  • Small footprint, lightweight and portable.

Feasibility studies & chemometric support

Process analysis technologies benefit those who use a first-class spectrometer and create reliable chemometric models.
We assist in evaluating the feasibility of analytical issues, e.g. with sample measurements in our laboratory or at the customer's site.

For more detailed studies or complete chemometric modeling we cooperate with partners who are absolute experts in this field, e.g. S-PACT from Aachen or LabCognition from Cologne (Germany).

In this way, customers receive a complete package to get off to a successful launch regarding PAT.

Areas of application

The Superflux is a classic benchtop and PAT spectrometer in one. It enables a variety of different analyses, e.g.:

  • Classical chemical reaction monitoring in real time.
  • Polymorphism / crystallization.
  • Distillations
  • Solvent analysis

How does the SuperFlux work?

The SuperFlux is a Raman spectrometer. The substance under investigation is irradiated with a laser and the generated signal ("Raman photons") is analyzed at the detector. Raman scattering depends on the type and structure of the analytes. Thus, molecule-specific measurements can be performed. Raman spectroscopy depends on a very good signal yield, because only one in about 1 million scattered laser photons is a usable Raman photon (more details on Raman spectroscopy are here). The photon yield of conventional Raman spectrometers suffers from the fact that the incoming signals are classically truncated at an input slit, since the detectors cannot process round signals from the light guide. Losses of up to 95% are not uncommon. In contrast, High-Throughput Virtual Slit (HTVS) technology processes photons much more efficiently: Instead of discarding the photons that are cut away, a fixed mirror system in the spectrometer superimposes them so that nearly 95% of all incoming photons arrive at the detector. Spectrometers with HTVS™ are therefore considerably faster and additionally deliver an unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio.

What makes the SuperFlux so unique?

The SuperFlux uses all the advantages of the HTVS™ technology, but is considerably less expensive due to the omission of some high-end features. The still very good signal yield achieves enormous speed and sensitivity. The spectrometer can be used flexibly – in the laboratory as a classic benchtop instrument or with fixed probes as a PAT spectrometer.

Technical details
Measurement principle High-Throughput Virtual Slit (HTVS™) analysis with Raman spectroscopy
Size (L x B x H) 401 mm x 288 mm x 136 mm
Weight 5,4 kg
(excitation wavelength)
785 nm
Laser power 5 mW bis 495 mW (configurable power output)
Spectral range 200 cm-1 to 3300 cm-1 (Raman shift from 785 nm excitation)
Probes Immersion & Non-Contact
Fiber optic cable length 2 meters standard – Various lengths available upon request
Pharma-ready: 21 CFR Part 11 and IQ / OQ protocols
Data management Chemometric software compatible
Data transfer USB, Ethernet (RJ45)
Ext. Power supply 100 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz

Measuring probes

Numerous measuring probes exactly matched to the Tornado process spectrometers available. Customer-specific modifications possible (material, length, flange).
>> more information on measuring probes

Flow cells

For measuring liquids in a flow-through setting, e.g. downstream biopharma.
>> more information

Software add-ins

Software add-ins make working in 24/7 operation easier. Prediction Engines, OPC/ModBus and CFR21 part 11.
>> more information

Calibration kit

Hg-Ar lamp and white light source for X- and Y-axis calibration.
>> more information

Fiber optic maintenance kit

Fiber optic microscope, cleaning kits for fiber optic ends and input ports.
>> more information

Laser Powermeter

USB-connected powermeter for determination of laser power.

Fiber optic cable

Fiber optic cable in various designs and lengths.

Sample chamber

For measurement of samples in test cuvettes.
>> more information


Stainless steel trolley for mobile use of the Raman spectrometer. Includes holder for laptop and measuring samples.

Do you have questions?

Are you interested in the SuperFlux?
Our team of experts is here to advise you and discuss your needs.